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Browse our digital learning materials to stay up to date on current techniques and the latest research in science.

Check Out Our New Podcast

Gloved hand holding petri dish containing world map created in the media.

Subscribe to ATCC's Podcast, "Behind the Biology"

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Red tipped multi-channel pipettor above multicolored well plates.

Application Notes

Read our application notes for high-quality data exploring the development, validation, and application of ATCC products.

Two scientists in lab wearing hair nets, masks, safety glasses, smock, and gloves standing next to safety hood and looking at bottles containing red medium.


ATCC's Credible Conversations blog delivers a variety of ideas from across the spectrum of the life sciences discovery by inviting scientists and researchers into a conversation about innovation, breakthroughs, collaboration, and ATCC product offerings that improve global health and quality of life.

Purple, red and black human umbilical vein endothelial cells.

Culture Guides

Download these useful guides and start with fresh authenticated cells and strains from ATCC to achieve the best results.

Microbiome Infographic


Download our infographics for a snapshot on biomaterial storage, mycoplasma detection, NGS standards, and more!

Gloved hand holding petri dish containing world map created in the media.


Subscribe to the ATCC Podcast, Behind the Biology to learn what industry leaders think about important scientific topics



Read our recent publications to learn about our innovative research and explore exciting applications of our products.

A row of small brown blocks, each with a letter, that spells "RESEARCH" on top of a stack of newspapers that appear blurry.

Scientific Posters

Browse our extensive collection of scientific posters to explore the high-quality data generated at ATCC.

A hand pointing to a pie chart on a report resting on a table with other reports and a pair of glasses.

Scientific Presentations

Discover how thought leaders at ATCC are working toward advancing scientific discovery and global health through innovative techniques, cutting-edge technologies, and better biological models.

Gloved hand holding mini pipette over petri dish containing bacteria colonies

Technical Documents

Check out our technical documents for detailed information on the application and handling of ATCC products.

Hands using syringe to fill mini vial above tray of vials on table near petri dishes, bottles, beakers, and flasks.


Watch our expanding collection of webinars to learn more about the innovative research and development being performed by thought leaders in science.

Female and male scientist in lab coats looking at laptop in a lab.

White Papers

Download our white papers to explore a variety of topics ranging from antimicrobial resistance to cancer research.

Male scientist in white lab coat, sitting next to microscope, looking at tablet.


Explore our videos to discover how thought leaders are working together to improve scientific reproducibility and advance global health with innovative techniques, cutting-edge technologies, and better biological models.

DNA helix made of green and yellow puffy balls.

ATCC Genome Portal

The ATCC Genome Portal is a rapidly growing ISO 9001–compliant database of high-quality reference genomes from authenticated microbial strains in the ATCC collection. Through this cloud-based platform, you can easily access and download meticulously curated whole-genome sequences from your browser or our secure API. With high-quality, annotated data at your fingertips, you can confidently perform bioinformatics analyses and make insightful correlations.

Visit the portal