When it comes to drug development, every second counts—like the well-known aphorism says: “time is money.” This cannot be overstated enough in the pharmaceutical industry as each day a drug is delayed results in approximately $500,000 in lost sales.1 More importantly, delays in the development of new drugs or replenishing existing drug supplies can take a significant toll on patient outcome,  leading to adverse effects such as mortality, poor treatment options, or treatment changes.2 One of the many factors affecting the lengthy drug development process is microbial quality control (QC) testing, which can require days or weeks to run. When you factor in preparing the required microbial reference materials, it can add significant time and effort to the process. Here, we will discuss the common challenges scientists face when using microbial reference materials and how our ready-to-use, fast-dissolving, precisely quantitated MicroQuant™ controls can help alleviate these issues by minimizing handling and streamlining microbial QC testing.