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Grainy red and black Deinococcus radiodurans extremophilic bacterium.

Uncover how extremophiles can boost bioremediation research

Extremophiles are archaea, bacteria, and eukarya that thrive in the harshest of conditions on Earth. From the scalding hot springs in Yellowstone National Park to the subglacial lakes of Antarctica—these fascinating organisms flourish in habitats that are hostile or lethal for most lifeforms.

For decades, researchers have been intrigued by the mechanisms used by extremophiles to adapt and survive in extreme environments. Research on these incredible organisms has led to significant advancements in biotechnology and bioremediation, provided more insight into the origins of life, and reshaped modern medicine. By using molecular-based techniques such as high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies, researchers have been able to explore these diverse microbial communities and uncover the underlying genomics behind their adaptations. However, an understanding of these organisms in culture is also an essential tool to uncover the nature of how and why extremophiles survive and thrive in extreme environments.

To support this exciting field of research. ATCC has a wide selection of extremophiles from a variety of environmental sources. Our growing portfolio includes thermophiles and hyperthermophiles (grow at high and very high temperatures), psychrophiles (grow best at low temperatures), acidophiles and alkaliphiles (adapted to acidic or basic pH values), and halophiles (which require NaCl for growth). Explore this fascinating collection today!

Watch our webinar to learn how to propagate anaerobic bacteria

A plume of smoke rising from layers of slate-like liquid at Great Fountain Geyser in Yellowstone National Park at sunset.

National Park Service Special Collection

From the hot springs of Yellowstone to the deserts of Big Bend National Park, US national parks contain a diverse array of environments that are home to a myriad of extremophiles. These remarkable organisms can survive in even the harshest of conditions, providing scientists with a fascinating study of microbial ecology and evolution.

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