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The Role of Cryobiology in Implementing Advanced Cell Models

Blue, pink and green IPS organoid cells.


The generation of advanced biological models has not only reduced our reliance on animal models but also helped streamline the drug discovery process by enabling speed-to-market strategies. As new models are created, our ability to develop medicine for the future will greatly depend on advancing our understanding of their complex biological phenomena at the cellular level. One critical gap that exists in the implementation of advanced biological models is the uncertainty and limitations related to preservation techniques. Advancements in traditional cryopreservation technologies that safeguard the extended accessibility of advanced biological models while also enabling their fast and reliable implementation have the potential to not only transform our current drug discovery process but also improve the development of cell-based therapeutics, personalized medicine, and cell-based bioproduction. As a leader in the development and maintenance of advanced model systems, ATCC is investing heavily toward a future where our advanced biological models are supported by new-age preservation technologies. We would like to partner with the greater research community to support efforts in developing and sustaining collaborative discovery mechanisms that transform the cell-based drug discovery landscape.

Download the presentation to learn how we are advancing the future of cell models



Headshot of Ruth Cheng

Ruth Cheng, PhD

Senior Vice President and General Manager, Research & Industrial Solutions

Ruth leads strategic partnerships, product development, sales and marketing, and external innovation efforts.
